Saturday, March 5, 2011

business development manager

What is Data Modeling?

What are the challenges faced by BA in Credit Risk projects?

How is R U P used to analyse a process?

What are the reporting tools used by BA?

How do you decide that which reports you have to extract or on what basis you extract the report?

What are the fields or the data when you extract in a report?

Explain What is Interface / Integration mapping?

How would you use Requirements Modeling and when? 

What approaches do you need when 2 companies merge?

What type of push back have your received from the business users in relation to QA?

What have you done to decompose functional requirements to bring to the testing teams?

When does a BA use Test Director tool and for what purpose in a project? 

What does a BA do when DEV Team recommends a better solution in the application?

What is the role of BA in Design, Build, Test phases of a project?

What are HIGH/MED/LOW Use Cases?

What role does a BA play in the testing process of the requirements?

What are the primary steps to create use cases?

Which phase of the project does a BA complete preparing all USE CASES?

How to calculate the perfomance date on portfolio?

What are the artifacts that you create?

What should be the approach to resolve conflicts during JAD Sessions?

Explain How do you use Traceability Matrix when using the Unified Process?

What are components of UML?

What are the characteristics of a hands-on BSA?

What is high level use case?

What are the various forms of security implemented at hardware, software, human ware, and buildings in a computing environment ?

Explain what is Business Procedure? How it is different from Business requirement?

How do you estimate timeline for a BRD/usecase/SRS?

What is the difference between BRD, SRS and Use Case documents?

What is the difference between Agile and Unified Process methodology?

What is the difference between analysis model and design model?

What is control, boundary and entity class? how does a business analyst use it in a project?

What is the relationship between use case and test case?

Explain equivalence class?

Mention some of the tools commonly used by business analyst?

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