Monday, March 21, 2011

Radio Communications Systems Apprentice

What are control system components ?

What are half adders n full adders ?

Compare CDMA and GSM in detail ?

How 2 design a mod 6 synchronous counter using jk flip flop ?

What do you mean by effect of noise on carrier signal & What is noise segment ?

Name one microprocessor that Works in the same Way as that of intel 8085 but of another company ?

What is the operating temperature range of the 74 series of ICs ?

What do mean by mnemonics in microprocessors ?

Which series of ICs are used for military applications ?

What is the reason that sometimes We get netWork busy message in mobiles While attempting a call ?

What is the difference betWeen generator differential protection and transformer differential protection ?

Why is there -48 v DC voltage use in CISCO Router. ? is there any advatage to use this type of negative voltage rather than positive voltage ?

What is the use for electrical c licence ?

Why gmsk modulation is used in gsm ?

What is the exact time required to set up a mobile to mobile call ?

What happens if We use limiter in AM receiver ?

What do you meam by analog instruments ?

Why Current conduction through electron ?

What is meant by overloading of op-amp ?

What is Active device and Passive device ?

Why does a capacitor blok dc but aloWs ac to pass through ?

What is Latch on ?

What is The Difference B/W Routine Backup & Quaterly Backup of sWitch ?

Is there any sectional cutoff and upper cutoff in the Test Pattern for the Airports Authority of India ?

What is the simplest Way to maintain the "poWer factor" of any system ? if you have many methods specify all ?

Wat you mean by harmonics ? Why you r using isolation transformer in digital ups or in normal means igbt ups ?

Which type of devices used for detection of radio active field in side the reactor building ?

What is normal radiation field out side the reactor building ?

What are the active Wastes in nuclear submarrine and How they disposed or dump ?     

What are the facilities for evacuation/sheltering in nuclear submarrine When any nuclear accident takes place in submarrine ?

Which type of communication used in nuclear submarrine for communication from capton to out side the marrine ?

What is the poWer capacity of nuclear poWer plant used in nuclear submarrine ?

Which type of control system used in nuclear submarrine neWly launched by Govt. of India ?

What is the difference betWeen noise and distortion ?

can any one tell us exact bandWidth of any AM poWer station ? ?

How to implement an inverter using single transistor ?

Why We are going for coding in communication signals ?

What is the present model of group1 and group 2 syllabus plz send the link ?

How is corona effect can be detected ?

What is the Difference betWeen Public IP and Private IP ?

What is the need of Super heterodyne tuning in AM receivers ?

What is the function of transformer ?

What is mean by branch predication ?

How to convert thermometer code in to binary ?

What kind of problem arise When tWo host share same HarWare address ?

Which is more dangerous AC current or DC current and Why ?

How many memory locations can be addressed by a microprocessor With 14 address lines ?

Which type of architecture 8085 has ?

Why cristal frequency is different in microcontrollers and crystal oscillators ?

What do you mean by junk yard,neo,meo,leo in satellite communications ?

What is PLC ? What it does ? What are its components ?

When & Where We use PLC & How ? What are its Pros & Cons over other things ? What are the main faults that occur in it ? What are other devices that are similar to it and How We can compare them all ? When & Where We say that here communication electronics gets involve ? Difference b/W communication electronics, poWer electronics, digital electronics, discrete electronics, analogue electronics & Mechatronics ? Where these are used & can be used  ?

What is SCADA ? What are its main components ? How it Works ? When We need a SCADA & Where ? Is there any similarities and comparison b/W PLC & SCADA ? What are its Pros & Cons ? What are the faults that occur in it most ?

When We design PI controller, When We design PID controller & is there any ID controller ? When We design PI controller, When We design PID controller & is there any ID controller ? Explain the Working of Incubator Box Which is a PI controller ?

What Will be maximum output and input current of 1KVA & 2KVA UPS ?

How to interface PC and 8051 microcontroller using bluetooth ?

When does transistor has poWer dissipation ?

Explain half-duplex and full-duplex communication ?

Explain the STMi and How many type STMi are used in telecomunication ?

Define the signaling massage in telecomincation ?

What Will be maximum output current of a 30KVA isolation Transformer ?

What do u mean by CODEC ?

Explain the bit format of flag register in 8086 ?

How to test SS7 ?

What tools are used to test TCP/IP ?

What are the test parameters to check the proper functionlity of TCP/IP protocol ?

What are the different types of Channels in GSM and their Function ?

What is the function of BTS ?

Why a transistor amplify ?

What is GPS & GPRS ?What is diff. among them ?

What is the features of GSM Technology and CDMA technology ?

What is the difference betWeeen FM and FSK modulation ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of embedded compare to vlsi,dsp ?

What is conductor ? What is insulators ? What is semi condutors ?

What is BFU ? What is the Working of BFU in BTS ?

What is the difference betWeen noise and distortion ?

What other TCP setting can you modify besides MTU to shorten packets ?

What is difference betWeen fiber otical cable and cat cable ?

What the difference betWeen RUIM and SIM ?

What is the diff betWeen UPS and Inverter ?

What is Front End Tool ?

Why Visual Basic is referred to as "Front End Tool" ?

What is zenerdiode ?

What is the electron ?

What is the maximum range of a general Radar ?

What is the frequency band used for military applications ?

What is the difference betWeen linear and non linear element ?

What is hetrodyning ?

What is the need for modulation ?

How Nokia BTS Working ? What is TRX and DVJ Function ?

What is true for frame relay ?

What is Programmable logic controller ?What is its importance and Where itis used ?

What is call procedure ?

What is the frequency of impulse signal ?

How u Will measure the polarisation of antenna ?

What is polarisation o antenna ?

What is gain of antenna ?

What is radiation resistance of antenna ?

What is the Differance betWeen the diode and SCR properties ?

How video signals are produced ?

What is meant by shear resistance in concrete ?

What is the difference betWeen MOD Bus and Profi Bus ?

Who is the inventor of the Automatic Voltage Regulator ?

What is the bani fit of ss7 by using as a back bone for all other communication netWorks ?

What is the distance from an RF Transmitter that output poWer is determined ?

Which channel is used for SMS ?

What is DRX ? Why do We need it ?

What is DTX ? Why is it used ?

What is channel coding ?

Explain E1 T1 ?

Explain GPRS architecture ?

When do We need drive test ?

Explain the modulation technique used in gsm ?

What are emergency handovers ?

Explain various types of antenna diversity ?

What is the difference betWeen synthesised frequency hopping and base band frequency hopping ?

What are LAPD and LAPDm ?

What happens When a cdma user becomes as a roamer ?

What is the difference betWeen three point staret &four point starter ?

What are the advantages & disadvantages betWeen analogue & digital communications ?

What is modem ?

Where v see useful video in electronic circuits ? Which site it is free for doWnload ?

What is the total resistance betWeen points ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the given circuit ?

What is SSI ?

What is the value of TEI ist T1 ?

What is the chemical composition of the substance used as feed horn ? And How many types of feedor are there ?

Which is effective parallel or serial communication ?

What is pre-Warping in filter design ?

Why is 555 timer called so ?

Why the shape of OP-AMP is triangular not other shape ?     

Why the input impedance of OP-Amp is so high ?

What is meant by virtual ground in the op amp ?

What is the function of BIU ?

What's the difference betWeem Pulse dopler radar and MTI RADAR ?

What is the difference betWeen active poWer and reactive poWer ?

How do u say voltage in capacitor lags by 90degrees in an inductor ?

What is the physical need to find 3bd frequencies ?

What are the fiber losses,How to rectify it ?

How to convert SR latch using JK flip flop ?

What is the difference betWeen drift current and diffusion current ?

What is the difference betWeen forebay and surgetank in case of hydro electric poWer plant ?

Which language is not object oriented ?

What is the use of scr ?

What is reconfiguration of E1 ?

What are different type of routing protocols ?

How emergency call get through Without coverage but not other call at that time ?

What is the relation betWeen current and voltage ?

What is the representation of a discrete signal ?

Why ammeter alWays connect in series for measuring the current ?

Explain latch and flip flops ?

What is a MEMS sensor ? What is its advantage ?

What is E1 ? and How this is Work,What is data rate of 1 one E1 and Why ?

What is IGBT & How its Work & also it s used ?

Why do We use FM for sound and AM for video in TV transmisssion ?

What do you mean by EDGE and any link for possible intervieW questions on this topic ?

What is the maximum delay gnerated by 555timer and Why ?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of embedded compare to vlsi,dsp ?

What is VSWR ?

What is the GSM fundamental ?

Waht is polarization,explain verical and horizantal ?

What is protocol.What is tcp/ip,http/ftp protocol ?

What Would be main different environment in gsm and cdma core netWorking side ?

What is the use of combiner in gsm phones ?

What is integration,optimization of gsm corenetWork in practice ?

What is point to point connection ?

Which sWitch and driver is better for 20KHz output and sWitch able to handle 1000v of Vce ?

What is IMS ? What is its significance ?


What is Pabx and epabx and What its use ?

What is meant by communication ?

What is code vector ?

What is the difference betWeen ASICs and FPGA devices ? Which one is better ? Which is being currently in use ?

Why ringing is very high in emitter folloWer and source folloWer ?

What is meant by interrupt vector table ? What it's use ?

What is the use of electronics in softWare company ?

What is advantage and disadvantage of rj45 mall mount plate

What is diffractive quality factor ?

What is meant by pre-emphasis and de-emphasis ?

What do you understand by microWaves ?

What is the differnce betWeen SCR and diode rectifier ?

Why should to management LAN ? What are needed in LAN to manage netWork ? Where is LAN use ? How to link LAN ?

What are the advatages and disadvantages of Ku-Band compared to Extended-C band ?

What is the use of matched filter at the reciever side ?

What is intersymbol interference ?

What is phase reversal keying ?

What is trimmercapacitance ?

What is the difference betWeen 5v capacitor and 5v battery ?

What is the flip flop ?

What is the typical data rate for Wavelength division multiplexing ?

What are the some advantages of using Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) as applied to commercial systems ?

Distinguish betWeen Angle modulation and Amplitude modulation ?

difference betWeen neutral ground and phase ?

What is antenna ?

What is the function of Horn antenna ?

Whcih antenna is better ommi directional or directional and Why ?

What is the diference betWeen High antenna gain and loW antenna gain and Whivh one is better and Why ?

What is function of IGBT ? How it Works ?

What is fixed bias With and Without decoupling capacitor ?

What is angle and amplitude modulation ? What is noise in modulation ?

What is selective flooding ?

What is a GPIB ?

What is the Working principal of diode

What are the components of LAN ?

What do you mean by ASCII, EBCDIC ?

What is microprocessor & How it is Work ?

Different types of communications ? Explain ?

What is sampling ?

State sampling theorem ?

What is cut-off frequency ?

What is pass band ?

What is stop band ?

Difference betWeen mobile and a cell phone ?

Explain RF ?

What is modulation ? And Where it is utilized ?

What is demodulation ?

Name the modulation techniques ?

Explain AM and FM ?

Where do We use AM and FM ?

How does a mobile Work ?

What is a base station ?

How many satellites are required to cover the earth ?

What is a repeater ?

What is attenuation ?

What is multiplexing ?

What is CDMA, TDMA, FDMA ?

What is an Amplifier ?

What is Barkhausen criteria ?

What is a feedback ? And explain different types of feedback ?

What is Oscillator ?

What is a transducer and transponder ?

What is an Integrated Circuit ?

What is crosstalk ?

What is a rectifier ?

What is conductor ?

What is inductor ?

What is diode ?

What is op-amp ?

What is a router ? What is a gateWay ?

What is Semaphore ? What is deadlock ?

What is Virtual Memory ?

What is packet sWitching and circuit sWitching ? What is the protocol used in telephone netWork ?

What is modulation ? Why is needed ? What are the various types ?Compare AM,FM, PM.Which Waves Will travel a longer distance- FM or AM and Why ?

What is the mode of transmission of television signals ?

Compare the bandWidth requirements of AM and FM

What do you knoW about antennae ?

Why is linking up frequency greater than the doWn linking frequency ?

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